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The Team

The Founders


She is a wheelchair user because of polio when she was 4 years old. She graduated from the Law School, Sebelas Maret University in Solo, Central Java, Indonesia and she spends most of the time to be an activist in the disability rights movement since 1999 until recently. She has been managing the disability rights and policy, lecturing at the universities, writing book, articles and she has been the keynote speaker at the numerous disability-focused symposiums/conferences, trainings and seminars in Indonesia and International fellowship ini 2006 to accomplish her master degree in International Health Policy and Management at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Branddeis University, MA, USA

Risnawati Utami

Founder & Director Executive

Dia adalah seorang pengguna kursi roda karena polio saat berusia 4 tahun. Dia adalah lulusan Sarjana Hukum di Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta yang banyak menghabiskan waktunya menjadi seorang aktivis pergerakan hak-hak difabel/ penyandang disabilitas sejak tahun 199 sampai dengan sekarang. Dia telah banyak mengelola program-program advokasi kebijakan hak-hak difabel untuk memperdayakan hak-hak komunitas difabel. Risna selain bekerja sebagai legal drafter untuk kebijakan difabel, dia juga banyak melakukan studi independent tentang difabel dan kebijakan, mengajar di berbagai universitas, menulis buku dan artikel, serta menjadi narasumber di berbagai symposium, conferences, dan seminar di Indonesia dan di beasiswa dari Ford Foundation International Fellowship program tahun 2006 untuk meraih Master Degree in International Health Policy and management di Heller School for Social Policy Management, brandeis University, di Massachusetts, amerika serikat.


Buyung Ridwan Tanjung

Co Founder

Has been an activist in labor movement and human rights since 1995. In 1999 he was involved in various NGOs both in Yogyakarta and Central Jawa as a founder, a staff and;or a facillitator, besides handling cases in court, he also writes for mass media, facilitates workshops and  speaks at many seminars. He didi his undergraduate study at the faculty of Law Universitas Sebelas Maret Solo (UNS) in 1999. Three years later, in 2002, he received his license as an advocate/ lawyer in 2008, sponsored by Ford Foundation International Fellowship Program, he pursued a study and obatained an LL.M/Master’s Degree in Law International Law of Human Rights program at Utrecht University. The netherlands.

Lahir dan dibesarkan di kota Yogyakarta sebelum melanjukan studi  S-1 Fakultas Hukum di Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Solo. Setelah lulus tahun 1999, beberapa organisasi non politik (NGO) merupakan tempat pengabdiannya, antara lain sekretariat Bersama Perempuan Yogyakarta (SBPY), Sahabat Perempuan Magelang, Urban Poor Linkage Simpul Yogya, dan sebagai komisioner di Lembaga Ombudsman Daerah DIY (LOD-DIY). Profesi sebagai Advokat merupakan profesi yang sangat dicintainya sejak tahun 2002. Pada tahun 2006 mendapat beasiswa International Fellowship Program (IFP) dari Ford-Foundation dan menyelesaikan study Master Program (LLM) di International Law of Human Rights and Criminal Justice di Utrecht University School of Law, Belanda pada tahun 2008.

Meet The Teams

​Endah Setyowati

Co Founder & Deputy Manager

Intania Ayu Kuncahyaningrum


Resita Rika Ariyani


Suryatingsih Budi Lestari

Advocacy Program Coordinator

Ranika Saraswati_edited.jpg

Ranika Saraswati

Program Assistant 3

Mauliya Rissalaturohmah_edited.jpg

Mauliya Rissalaturohmah

Program Officer

Retno Hartanti

Finance officer

Christina Puspa_edited.jpg

Christina Puspaningtyas

Finance Coordinator

Wira Wardani

Media Communication

Belly Lesmana_edited.jpg

Belly Lesmana


Azis Wijayanto

Program Assistant 1

Lilis Nur Indah sari

Program Assistant 2


Security Coordinator


Wheelchair Tech

Hasta Ardianto

Wheelchair Tech Assistant

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